World Geography | Comprehensive Study

Explore the intricacies of our planet with "World Geography: Comprehensive Study." This detailed article delves into the physical, political, and cultural aspects of global geography, offering insights into landforms, climates, ecosystems, and human societies. Ideal for students, educators, and geography enthusiasts seeking a thorough understanding of the world's diverse landscapes and populations.

World Geography: Comprehensive Study

World Geography

World Geography

Zones of Earth

Torrid Zone:  This zone covers the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere (23.50 North latitude) to the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere (23.50 South latitude). The climate is hot and has a wet and dry season.    

North Temperate Zone:  It extends from 23.50 North latitude (Tropic of Cancer) to 66.50 North latitude Arctic Circle. The climate is mild. These include humid subtropical climate, Mediterranean climate, Oceanic and continental climate. These have wider temperature ranges throughout the

South Temperate Zone:  It extends from 23.50 South latitude (Tropic of Capricorn) to 66.50 South latitude Antarctic circle. The climate is mild, generally warm to cool. The four annual seasons are winter, spring, summer, and autumn.

North Frigid Zone: It lies 66.50 N to 900 N latitude (Northern pole), covering 4.12% of Earth’s surface. The climate has a long season of severe winter and even the summer season is cold. It is one of the coldest zones covered with snow and ice

South Frigid Zone: It lies 66.50 S to 900 S latitude (Southern pole), covering 4.12% of Earth’s surface. The summer season lasts for 2-3 months with 24 hours of sunlight and temperature maybe 3 degrees to 12 degrees.  It is one of the coldest zone covered with snow and ice.   

Major Natural Regions of the World 

1. Equatorial region: Itis located on both sides of the equator 100N to 100S latitude. The climate is hot and wet, due to vertical sunray there is a difference in temperature in day and night (average annual term 270C). It is well known for its
heavy rainfall (average 200cm annually). Dense forests, heavy rainfall and high temperatures are the main characteristics of this region. A wide variety of plants and animals
are found here. The Zaire basin, Amazon river basin, Guinea coast, Malaysian peninsula and Indonesia and Philippines islands are located in this region.  Evergreen rain forest found
here. Hardwood trees like ebony, rosewood, orchids and lalang etc. are available here.  

2 Monsoon Region: It lies between 100N to 300N and 100S to 300S latitude. The main climatic characteristics is- a warm and wet summer season, a dry and cold winter. The temperature difference between the summer and winter season is 150C and the average annual rainfall is 200 cm. South-east Asia, South Asia including India, the north-eastern part of Australia, Central America, the eastern part of Brazil etc. located in this region. Forests are less dense than equatorial forests, the trees are normally deciduous as trees shed their leaves in winter due to a shortage of moisture. Species like teak, sandalwood, bamboo, etc. are fewer.

3. Tropical Grassland Region:
This region is located 10
0 to 250N and 100 to 250S latitude. The climatic characteristic of this region is a short warm summer season and long dry winter season. The average annual rainfall is 25-100 cm. Due to its climatic condition different verities of grass with height up to 3 meters have created vast grasslands which is called Savannah. Tallgrass and short trees are scattered here. Plant species like Baobabs, bottle trees and acacias etc. are available. The grasslands of Brazil highlands of South America and the Orinoco river basin located in Venezuela, northern and southern parts of the Zaire basin in Africa, highlands of eastern Africa and some parts of South Africa and the northern part of Australia is in this region.

4. Tropical Hot Desert Region: This desert region is extended up to the neighboring areas of the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. The climate is hot and dry. The difference in temperature of day and night is very high, during summer it may rise up to 450 C. Average rainfall of this region is 20-25 cm. and the maximum area is covered with sand.  Vegetations are Bulbous cacti, thorny bushes, scattered dwarf acacias and date palms etc. The Sahara, Kalahari and Namib deserts in Africa, Mohave (California), Atacama (Chile), and Australian Deserts belong to the region. Other regions are the Arabian, Iranian and Thar deserts.  

5. Mediterranean Region: This region is characterized by hot and dry summers and cold and wet winters. The average temperature is 80-250C and the average annual rainfall 25-75cm. The major natural vegetation is evergreen short trees and shrubs. It is largely formed by
the neighboring areas of the Mediterranean Sea including southern Europe, south-western Asia and northern Africa,  central Chile of South America, coastal California of North America, Cape coast of South Africa, and southwest coast of Australia.  

6. Mid-Latitude Desert Region: Central part of Asia the Tibetan plateau and Gobi desert mainly belong to
this region. The basins surrounded by the Rocky mountain ranges of North America and the Patagonia plateau situated in the east of the Andes mountain ranges of South America have a similar type of climate. The rainfall is a very low and high-temperature difference in the summer and winter seasons. Population density is very low as the agricultural practice is very tough.  

7. Mid-Latitude Temperate Region:  This region is situated at 23.50N to 500N latitude and 23.50S to 500S latitude.  The average temperature in summer is 150C and in winter is 50C 100C. The average rainfall
varies from 75cm to 150 cm. Different types of vegetation are found here. Depending
upon rainfall deciduous, evergreen and coniferous vegetation are seen. Northern and eastern parts of China, some portions of southern Canada and England and England, the north-western part of Europe, the southern part of Chile, the southeastern part of Brazil, Uruguay, the eastern coast of South Africa, the eastern coast of Australia and New Zealand belong to this region. 

8. Mid-Latitude Grassland Region: This region is situated between 300-500 North and south latitude. The difference between summer and winter temperatures is high and the average annual rainfall is only 15-50cm. Vegetation cover is absent due to low rainfall and severe cold. North America, the eastern part of Europe, the central part of  Asia, Argentina, and some parts of Australia belong to this region. In Asia and Europe, this region is called Steppes, Prairies in North America, Pampas in Argentina, Veld in South Africa and Downs in Australia. 

9. Cold Coniferous Forest Region: It is situated in 500-700 N latitude. In the north tundra region and in the south mid-latitude grassland region. The climate is dry and cold and the temperature in summer rises up to 150C. Evergreen coniferous forests are found here. Soft-wood forestland being covered with coniferous trees is known as Taiga. It is extended from Scandinavia of Europe to the Pacific coast in the east and from Alaska of North America to the Atlantic coast in the east. A large portion of Europe, Asia, and North America are located in this region. Population density is
very low.   

10. Cold Polar Region (Cold Desert): This region is located north pole and south pole and is covered with snow around the year, generally located north of the Arctic Circle (66.50N) and Antarctica. It has a long winter and short summer season, and the climate is extremely cold. In the summer season temperature is generally 00C to 100C, and in winter it decreases up to -180C. There is almost no rainfall but heavy snowfall occurs in winter. As snow covers this region, vegetation is almost absent. Some grass, moss, fern, etc. are seen where ice melts during the summer season. Deer, white fox, polar bear, etc. are found here and it seems that Antarctica is mainly the habitat of penguins. The region of the North Pole is called the Tundra Region. Eskimo, Lapps, Fins, Samuyad, Yakut, etc. aboriginal communities live here. Eskimos live in houses made with ice is called Igloo. An important means of transportation is a sled vehicle pulled by reindeer.  

11. High Mountainous Region: The Himalayas of Asia, the Alps of Europe, the Rockies of North America and the Andes of South America are included in this region. With the increase
in altitude, a special kind of natural condition is found here. As the altitude rises temperature gradually decreases. Depending upon wind direction climatic conditions may be changed. For example, due to monsoon wind, heavy rainfall occurs in the southern slope of the Himalayas where dense forests have been found, on the other hand, the northern part of towards Tibetan plateau receives low rainfall. This region is thinly populated. Shifting cultivation or Jhum cultivation is seen in this region. 
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