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CTET-2011 ( PART - I)

CTET-2011 ( PART - I) 

CTET-2011 ( PART - I)


Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option

        1. The term 'curriculum' in the field of education refers to

(1) methods of teaching and the content to be taught

(2) overall program of the school which students experience on a day-to-day basis

(3) evaluation process

(4) text-material to be used in the class 

Ans: (2)

        2. At lower classes, the play-way method of teaching is based on

(1) Theory of physical education programs

(2) Principles of methods of teaching

(3) Psychological principles of development and growth

(4) Sociological principles of teaching 

Ans: (3)

        3. "A young child responds to a new situation on the basis of the response made by him/her in a similar situation as in the past." This is related to

(1) 'Law of Analogy' of learning

(2) 'Law of Effect' of learning

(3) 'Law of Attitude' of learning process

(4) 'Law of Readiness' of learning

Ans: (2)

4.  'Dyslexia' is associated with

(1) Mental disorder

(2) Mathematical disorder

(3) Reading disorder

(4) Behavioural disorder 

Ans: (3)

5. Education of children with special needs should be provided

(1) Along with other normal children

(2) By methods developed for special children in Special Schools

(3) In special school

(4) By special teachers in special schools

Ans: (1) 

6. To make assessment a 'useful and interesting' process, one should be careful about

(1) making comparisons between different students

(2) labeling students as intelligent or average learners

(3) using a variety of ways' to collect information about the

student's learning across the scholastic and co-scholastic boundaries

(4) using technical language to give feedback

Ans: (3)

7. ____ is not considered a sign of 'being gifted'.

(1) Creative ideas

(2) Fighting with others

(3) Novelty in expression

(4) Curiosity

Ans: (2)

8."Children actively construct their understanding of the world" is a statement

attributed to

(1) Piaget
(2) Pavlov

(3) Kohlberg

(4) Skinner

Ans: (1)

9. Kritika who does not talk much at home, talks a lot at school. It shows that

(1) the school provides opportunities to children to talk a lot

(2) teachers demand that children should talk a lot at school

(3) she does not like her home at all

(4) her thoughts get acknowledged at school                                                            Ans: (4)

10. A teacher should make an attempt to understand the potentialities of her/his students. Which of the following fields is related to this objective?

(1) Educational Sociology

(2) Social Philosophy

(3) Media - Psychology

(4) Educational
Ans: (4)

11. Motivation, in the process of learning,

(1) sharpens the memory of learners

(2) differentiates new. learning from old learning

(3) makes learners think unidirectionally

(4) creates interest for learning among young learners
Ans: (4)

12. Learning can be enriched if

(1) situations from the real world are brought into the class in which students interact with each other and the teacher facilitates

(2) more and more teaching aids are used in the class

(3) teachers use different types of lectures and explanation

(4) due attention is paid to periodic tests in the class
Ans: (1)

13. Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a feature of the process of learning?

(1) Educational institutions are the only place where learning takes place

(2) Learning is a comprehensive process

(3) Learning is goal-oriented

(4) Unlearning is also a learning process
Ans: (1)

14. A student of V-grade with 'visual deficiency' should be

(1) excused to do a lower level of work

(2) helped with his/her routine-work by parents and friends

(3) treated normally in the classroom and provided support through Audio CDs

(4) given special
treatment III the classroom
Ans: (3)

15. Which of the following should be considered the most important quality of a teacher at primary level ?

(1) Eagerness to teach

(2) Patience and perseverance

(3) Competence in methods of teaching and knowledge of subjects

(4) Competence to teach in highly standardized language
Ans: (2)

16. The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects and events is known as

(1) Sensori-motor stage

(2) Formal operational stage

(3) Pre-operational stage

(4) Concrete operational stage
Ans: (4)

17. A teacher, because of his/her democratic nature, allows students to sit all over the class. Some sit together and discuss or do group reading. Some sit quietly, and read themselves. A parent does not like it. Which of the following may be the best way to handle the situation ?

(1) Parents should complain against the teacher to the principal

(2) Parents should request the principal to change the section of their ward

(3) Parents should show trust in the teacher and discuss the problem with the teacher

(4) Parents should take away the child from that school     
Ans: (3)

18. The 'insight theory of learning' is promoted by

(1) 'Gestalt' theorists

(2) Pavlov

(3) Jean Piaget

(4) Vygotsky
Ans: (1)

19. Four distinct stages of children's intellectual development are identified by

(1) Kohlberg

(2) Erikson

(3) Skinner

(4) Piaget
Ans: (4)

20. In which of the following stages do children become active members of their peer group?

(1) Adolescence

(2) Adulthood

(3) Early childhood

(4) Childhood
Ans: (1)

21. Parents should play a _ role in the learning process of young children.

(1) negative

(2) proactive

(3) sympathetic

(4) neutral
Ans: (2)

22. "Development is a never ending process." This idea is associated with

(1) Principle of interrelation

(2) Principle of continuity

(3) Principle of integration

(4) Principle of interaction
Ans: (2)

23. Which is the place where the child's 'cognitive' development is defined in the best way?

(1) Playground

(2) School and classroom environment

(3) Auditorium

(4) Home
Ans: (2)

24. Which of the following is not a sign of an intelligent young child?

(1) One who has the ability to cram long essays very quickly

(2) One who has the ability to communicate fluently and appropriately

(3) One who carries on thinking in an abstract manner

(4) One who can adjust oneself in a new environment
Ans: (1)

25. ____ is considered a sign of motivated teaching.

(1) Maximum attendance in the class

(2) Remedial work given by the teacher

(3) Questioning by students

(4) Pin drop silence in the class
Ans: (3)

26. Which of the following is not related to the socio-psychological needs of the child?

(1) Need for appreciation or social approval

(2) Need for emotional security

(3) Regular elimination of waste products from the body

(4) Need for company
Ans: (3)

27. 'Mind mapping' refers to

(1) a technique to enhance comprehension 
(2) a plan of action for an adventure

(3) drawing the picture of a mind

(4) researching the functioning of the mind 

Ans: (4)

28. The best way, specially at primary level, to address the learning difficulties of students is to use 

(1) a variety of teaching methods suited to the disability

(2) expensive and, glossy support material 

(3) easy and interesting textbooks

(4) story-telling method
Ans: (1)

29. According to Piaget, at which of the following stages does a child begin, to think logically about abstract propositions?

(1) Concrete operational stage (07 - 11 years)

(2) Formal operational stage (11 years and up)

(3) Sensori-motor stage (Birth - 02 years)

(4) Pre-operational stage (02 - 07 years)
Ans: (1)

30. Which of the following will foster creativity among learners?

(1) Teaching the students the practical value of good education

(2) Providing opportunities to question and to nurture the innate talents of every learner

(3) Emphasizing achievement goals from the beginning of school life

(4) Coaching students for good marks in the examination 
Ans: (2)



Directions: Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option.

61. As an EVS teacher, you plan to take the students to the zoo. Which of the following activities would you not allow the students to undertake? 

    (2) Try to find out the food taken up by different animals at the zoo 
    (3) Collect photographs of the animals they expect to see at the zoo
    (4) Take their drawing books along with them to draw what they see at the zoo
    Ans: (1)

62. The concept of 'seed germination' can be taught best b

(1) asking the students to perform an activity to sow seeds, observe different stages and draw them 
(2) showing photographs of seed germination
(3) showing germinated seeds to the class and explaining the process of germination
(4) presenting the germination stages through drawings on the board
Ans: (1)

63. Mira and Divya are young girls. Mira likes to eat samosas, cutlets and bread. Divya, on the other hand, takes an iron deficient diet. Which of the  following disorders are Mira and Divya likely to suffer from, respectively? 

(1)Obesity and scurvy 
(2)Scurvy and anaemia 
(3)Anaemia and night blindness
(4)Obesity and anaemia                                                                                   Ans: (4)

64. To make children aware of different kinds of fuel, a teacher can 

(1) show some samples of fuels in the class (2) discuss with children about possible kinds of fuel that can be used for cooking, along with a short film 
(3) show pictures of fuels on a chart 
(4) ask children to list different fuels
Ans: (2)

65. The skills required to read a map include 

(1) excellent communication skills to draw out the expressive
(2) ability to understand relative position of places, distances and
(3) excellent drawing and painting skills 
(4) ability to use calculations and sketch positions on a globe 
Ans: (2)

66. Giving importance to individual experiences of children in an EVS class will benefit the teacher 

(1) to connect the subject to the learners' experiential world and promote reflection and learning
(2) to save her energy as children enjoy talking 
(3) to know the unique experiences of children 
(4) to help and improve the language and communication skills of the children                                                                                                          Ans: (1)

67. It has been observed that the process of digestion is faster inside the stomach than outside because    

(1) the digestive juices when kept outside the stomach become
(2) the food is churned in the stomach thereby increasing the surface area for
quicker enzyme action 
(3) the digestive juices inside the stomach are acidic, while 'outside they are
(4) the amount of digestive juices produced in the stomach in the presence of                                                                
Ans: (2)

68. Which of the following statements is not an objective of teaching EVS at the primary level?

(1) To load learners with terms and definitions for assessment 
(2) To internalise the values of concern for life and environment 
(3) Arouse curiosity about the natural and social environment 
(4) Engage in exploratory and hands-on activities that lead to the development
of cognitive and psychomotor skills
Ans: (1)

69. An egret bird is often seen on a buffalo's back. This is because the egret 

(1) feeds on parasites on the buffalo's back 
(2) feeds on insects present in the grass 
(3) loves to sing while sitting on the buffalo's back ' 
(4) rests after flying for a while
Ans: (1)

70. The idea of showing a sample of a railway ticket in the EVS textbook is to 

(1) enhance the skills of students to arrive at conclusions 
(2) give them an opportunity to interact with real information and develop the skill of observation 
(3) give the students an idea 'of the rail fare 
(4) provide them the knowledge of various abbreviations used in the ticket 
Ans: (2)

71. Which of the following represents one of the objectives of teaching EVS at Primary School? 

(1) To inform the learners about the books they should read to expand their knowledge 
(2) To connect the experiences of the learners in school with the outside world 
(3) To make learners aware of technical terms and definitions 
(4) To assess technical terms related to EVS
 Ans: (2)

72. Which of the following statements about assignments is correct? 

(1) Assignments provide learners an opportunity to search for information, construct their own ideas and articulate them 
(2) Assignments can be done by parents, brothers or sisters depending on the talent that they possess 
(3) Assignments need to be given as classwork followed by homework every day to provide variety and practice 
(4) Assignments should be the only method of assessment
Ans: (1)

73. Simple experiments and demonstrations can be performed in the EVS class 

(1) to discuss ideas, record and analyse observations on the basis of questions raised by students 
(2) to control the students to ensure discipline in the class' 
(3) to enable children to learn on their own and sharpen their observation skills 
(4) to follow what is being done in the senior classes
Ans: (1)

74. Durga lives in a village and cooks food on a chulha (earthen stove) using wood or cow dung cakes as fuel. She has been suffering from severe cough  for the last three months. This may be due to the 
       (1) smoke produced by burning fuels which may have caused her allergy 
       (2) old age and pollution inside and outside her hut 
       (3) carbon monoxide produced by burning fuel which may have been deposited in her respiratory tract 
    (4) soot produced by burning the fuels which may have been deposited in herrespiratory tract 
        Ans: (4)

75. After the lunch break, while teaching EVS, you find that students are not. taking interest in the lesson. What would you do? 

(1) Take the children out to play in the ground 
(2) Ask them to put their heads down on the desk and relax
(3) Use audio-visual aids based on multiple intelligences to make the lesson
(4) Change the topic immediately
Ans: (3)

76. A school planned an educational trip for Class-V students to Rajasthan. What would be your expectation from the children during the visit?

(1) They should note down their questions, if any, and ask the parents after reaching home 
(2) They should observe everything without asking questions about it
(3) They should enjoy themselves
(4) They should observe keenly, make notes and share their observations with other students and the teacher
Ans: (4) 000

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