Medieval Indian History

Explore Medieval Indian History through an in-depth overview of the key dynasties, cultural developments, and significant events that shaped the Indian subcontinent from the 8th to the 18th century.

Medieval India

Medieval India

The Cholas: The Chola Empire was revived by Vijayalaya in the 8th century. Tanjore was his kingdom. He defeated Pallavas. Aditya, I succeeded him. Rajendra Chola was the last king of this dynasty.

Arab Invasion of Sind: The first Muslim ruler to invade was Muhammad Qasim of Iraq (712 AD). Dahir the ruler of Sind was defeated by him and it was given to Omayyad Khilafat.

The Rajputs (9-10 Century AD): During this period Rajputs became more powerful in Northern India. Simharaj was the founder of this dynasty. Vasudeva, Sri Harsha, Bappa Rawal, and Prithviraj Chauhan are the famous rulers of the Rajput dynasty. 

Turkey-Afghan Invasion: Saboktigana the first Turkey-Afghan who invaded India. His 2nd son Sultan Mahmud became king of Gazni in 998. He raided India 17 times (1001 -1026 AD). In his last raid, he destroyed the Somnath temple of Gujarat and looted the treasures of this temple. Scholar Al-Beruni, Historian Utbi Baihaki and Poet Firdousi were the members of his courtyard. After his death, his vast empire was divided into many independent kingdoms. Ghor was one of them and Mohammad Ghori (Sahabuddin) was the king of Ghor.     

Mohammad Ghori: He ascended the throne of Ghazni in 1173 and moved towards Punjab. In the First Battle of Tarain (1191) he was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan. In the Second Battle of Tarain (1192 he defeated Prithviraj Chauhan and he got permission to rule over Ajmer. He died in 1206 and before his death, he handed over the charge to his viceroy Kutub-Ud-din Aibak. 

The Delhi Sultanate:  

Slave Dynasty  (1206-1290)

Qutub-Ud-din Aibak: This dynasty was known as the Ilbari Turk dynasty. He was originally a slave and on his merit and loyalty, he became the Viceroy of Mohammad Ghori. He ruled over the empire from 1206 to 1210 AD. He constructed two mosques namely Quwawat-ul-Islami at Delhi and Adhai-din-ka Jhopra at Ajmer. For the honor of the famous Sufi saint Khwaja, Qutub-ud-din Bakhtiyar Kaki began to construct Qutub Minar but remained incomplete. Hasan-ul-Nizam author of Taj-ul-Messina and  Fakhr-ud-din author of Tarikh-i-Mubarak-Shahi were patronised by him.

Iltutmish: After Qutub-ud-din,  Shams ud-din Iltutmish ascended the throne. He was also a slave and he completed the construction of Qutub Minar. Iltutmish constituted a group of 40 loyal slaves, known as Turkan-i-Chahalgani or Chalisa. He started the Iqta system and also introduced the silver Tanka and Copper Jittal. He ruled from 1211 to 1236 AD and was succeeded by his son Rukn-ud-din Firoz but later on, it was handed over to Raziya Sultana.

Raziya Sultana: She was the daughter of Iltutmish and was the first and last woman ruler of Medieval India. She ruled from 1236 to 1240 AD. By a conspiracy, she was assassinated. After her death,  his brother Muiz ud-din Bahram Shah ascended the throne. He was succeded by Ala ud-din Masud, Shah Nasir Ud-din Mahmud and Ghiyas Ud-din Balban.

Ghiyas Ud-din Balban: He ascended the throne in 1266. He had a strong centralized Army and established the military department Diwan-i-Arz. He took up the title of Zilla-I-Ilahi. He insisted on the Iranian ceremonies of Sijda and Paibos, he was a patron of Persian literature, especially Amir Khusro. He died in 1287. Muiz Ud-din Qiqabad grandson of Balban was the last ruler of the Slave Dynasty.

The Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320AD):

Jalal-Ud-din Khilji: He defeated and killed Qiqabad of the slave dynasty and founded the Khilji dynasty in Delhi. In his nephew Ala-ud-din Khilji in 1294, he invaded Devagiri. He was assassinated by his nephew and son-in-law Ala-ud-din Khilji in 1296.

Ala-Ud-din Khilji (1296-1316): He ascended the throne after killing Jalal Ud-din Khilji. He first conquered Gujarat married Raja’s wife and acquired Malik Kafur from there, who carried on his southern expedition. He captured Ranthombor, Chitor, and Malwa. He built Alai Fort, Alai Darwaja (at Qutub Minar), Hauz Khas, Hazar Situm. He had a permanent army and soldiers were paid in cash. He also fixed the land revenue. Qutb al-Din Mubarak Shah was the last ruler of this dynasty. In 1320 he was murdered by his chief minister Khusra Khan. 

The Tughlaq Dynasty  (1320-1414 AD): 

Ghiyas-Ud-din Tughlaq: He founded the Tughlaq dynasty in Delhi in 1320. He constructed canals and formulated a famine policy. He made Tighlaqabad as his capital. During his time Moroccan visitor, Ibn Battuta came to Delhi. He died in 1325 AD.  

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq: His real name was Jauna Khan, ascended the throne after his father Ghiyas Ud-din’s death. He was an expert in Arabic, Persian, Astronomy, Mathematics, Medicine and Philosophy. He was an extraordinary ruler of Delhi having five ambitious projects which led him to a huge loss. These are- in 1326 he increased taxation in the Doab region. In 1327 capital from Delhi to Deogiri (Daulatabad), the introduction of token currency in 1329, the Khusran expedition in the North-west in 1329, Karachi expedition in the Himalayas in 1330. He died in 1351 in Thatta, Pakistan.

Firoz Shah Tughlaq: He was the cousin of Muhammad bin Tughlaq ascended the throne in 1951. He made the Iqta system hereditary. He constructed several canals. The first canal was Sutlej and Gaggar, Second canal was the Yamuna to Hisar. Water tax, Haque-i-Sharp and Haasil-i-Sharb were imposed. He introduced new coins -Adha and Bikh. He died in Delhi, in 1388.  

The successors of Firoz Shah Tughlaq are- Ghiyas-Ud-din Tughlaq Shah I, Abu Bakr Shah, Nasir Ud-din Muhammad, and Ala-ud-din Sikandar Shah. In 1398 Timur invaded India during the reign of the sultan Nasir Ud-din Muhammad Tughlaq and ruined the country severely. 

The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451 AD):

Khizr Khan: In 1414 AD  he founded the Sayyid dynasty, succeeding the Tughlaq dynasty. Formerly he was the governor of Punjab and established this dynasty after causing huge damage by Timur. He took the title Rayat-i-Ala instead of a king. He died in 1421 AD.

Mubarak Shah: He ascended the throne in 1421 after his father Khizr Khan’s death. He expedited against Mewatis, Katehars, and the Gangetic Doab area. He was killed in 1434 by his nobles.

Muhammad Shah: He was the successor of Mubarak Shah ascended the throne in 1434 AD. Maximum of his area was ruled by nobles leaving a small portion for him. He died in 1445 AD.

Alam Shah: He succeeded his father and ascended the throne in 1445 AD. He ruled up to 1451 AD and thereafter took retirement as a coward. He was the last king of the Sayyid dynasty and it was replaced by the Lodhi dynasty. Alam Shah died in 1478 AD.

The Lodhi Dynasty  (1451-1526):

Bahlul LodhiBahlul Lodhi established the Lodhi dynasty in India in 1451 AD, replacing the Sayyid dynasty. This marked the first Afghan dynasty in India. He annexed the Sharqi and Jaunpur kingdoms and issued Bahlul coins. He passed away in 1489 AD.

SikandarLodhi, originally named Nizam Khan, succeeded him in 1489 AD. A devout Muslim, he moved the capital to Agra. In 1504 AD, he successfully conquered Bengal and Bihar and introduced the Gaz-i-Sikandar for measuring cultivated land. He died in 1517 AD.

Ibrahim Lodhi, Sikandar's son, ascended the throne in 1517 AD as the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate. He captured Gwalior, but his reign ended when Daulat Khan Lodhi, the Governor of Punjab, invited Babur to overthrow him. Ibrahim Lodhi was defeated and killed by Babur in the First Battle of Panipat in 1526.  0 0 0.

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